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Curler rod ostomy belt hack! (reader submitted)

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Hey gang, I had a tip come through the comment section in a product review, and I followed up asking for images.

Thanks to Lindsey for the photos and permission to post this hack here.

"The owner of my neighborhood ostomy supply gave me some items he got off Amazon, and I think they are moldable hair curlers! He said my holster belt wasn’t supporting the way it’s supposed to, and offered me a few of the “items” bend into a horseshoe and place over the top of my stoma between my wafer and bag, with the ends between the belt loops and my wafer. He told me I could wear all my tight pants with that in position, providing a buffer between my pants and my stoma. (That still isn’t quite true. I “can” wear them, but it’s not very comfortable for me to have the weight of my jeans pulling down from above my stoma and the only thing I have that’s low-rise enough to go under my stoma are athletic shorts)...

... I just found them – they’re 7” flexi rods for heatless hair curling and are sold in a 47 pack, with various diameters. I tried the two larger sizes while I was at the store and they did help alleviate the sort of pull I get as my bag begins to fill, or when I try to tuck my bag into my clothes. Not exactly a stoma guard, but a cheap little hack that might help some others with comfort...

... The amount the foam pushes the top of the bag away from my abdomen seems to help balance out the pull I get as my bag fills."


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Another pic.


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Another view.


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Last one!


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK and john68 reacted
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@veganostomy   ... Hmmm... that's interesting! Worth a try for sure, esp. if you need something like that. Those curlers are cheap enough, but it made me wonder...  what could be done with a piece of a larger pool noodle, not the skinnier one, shortening the length. Foam cuts well with a cerated kitchen knife.  Maybe a kitchen sponge thats been wet, air dried giving it more support then as newpp & cut U shape.  I think the curler is the easier & tougher product.  Could it be cut for desired length?  It looks long if you sit with it in place.  Would the thickness make it easy to use as a seat belt protector? It looks like it would be easy enough into slip into place when needed. 

Thank you for the pics & info.  Ummmm... lol, I'd  love to know what our Model has for her Ink on her tummy.  I feel kind of naughty for even asking, let alone noticing. Tattoo Art isn't something I grew up I  have learned that they often have good stories behind them. This is likely a topic for the Lounge if anyone would like to share their picture & the story behind the choice. . . I'd be interested... 


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@dlkfiretruck Good questions!

You could fashion up a similar hack using all sorts of things! When I first got my ostomy, I cut up some thicker mouse pad (neoprene) material to make something that went around the stoma for added support. Of course, depending on the material, you could create other problems, like excess or trapped sweat.

As a seatbelt protector, anything that's taller than the stoma can act like a guard. But you have to limit its movement or else you may run into situations where the seatbelt slips.

I don't blame you for being curious about the tattoo! I think anyone with ink can share a story about it. Some people's bodies are an entire novel of stories!


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK reacted
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@veganostomy  Than you Eric... I had fashioned a stoma gaurd for my seat  belt a few years back. I had used  2 kitchen 🧽 sponges and a section of 🏊‍♂️ pool noodle the length of the 🧽 sponge cut with a serated bread 🔪 in half lengthwise. I 🔥 hot glued half a piece of pool noodle onto each rectangle kitchen 🧽 sponge. This gave the height for my stoma plus extra, should a washroom be where 🐻 bears & 🫎 moose roam & forestry was my not my choice of 🚻 !!    I had planned to cover the pieces & have them attached to together, one on each side,  with a flap to move from car 🚗 drivers 💺 seat belt to passengers.   

At the time I had also pre-✂️ cut & was ready to sew a small stack of Ostomy Pouches together when my sewing machine died on me & my iron hit 2 leaving me exhausted just getting up in the a.m.!  Covid hit shortly after & well,  you pretty much know the rest.

I very recently retired the old sewing machine & happily replaced her with a shiney ✨️ new one. So once I figure out the drop in bobbin situation maybe I can actually get things sewn up again & my ever growing mending pile completed!! 🙃! Ugh ! 

Back to the foamy hair curler, lol,  it's a rather💡bright idea .  It can be easily covered & hand stitched with a front section section of old socks as it will bend with the curler & it'll easily go in the washing machine. Being made of foam, airflow is important as well as washability.  


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@dlkfiretruck wow Linda. I think you get the McGyver award for ingenuity!



Just a semicolon

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@tigerlily ... lol, thank you Laurie... I think!  I've always been naturally curious about how & what makes things work, add to that, the need to help & for solving a problem if I can, well, I could be in trouble here! Lolol


Tigerlily reacted
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@dlkfiretruck when you get the bit between your teeth, you don’t let go until you have an answer. If I’m ever marooned on a desert island, I definitely want you on my team!🏝Gilligan’s Island should have had you there. You’d have outsmarted the Professor by a mile.



Just a semicolon

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@tigerlily ... lololol... Thank You, that's quite the compliment. I was always intrigued by the Professor as it was. I remember yelling at Gilligan on one show saying "just go get the Professor!" ALL at a time when things were much more simple, right!!


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I have seen these adds for Groundedwell bed sheets all over the internet. I'm going to ask if any of you here has seen them as well??  

What do you think of this & has anyone here tried them?  If so, have you noticed any improvements in your sleep, health or otherwise?? 

That said, Eric, I'm still dealing with an unresolved vission issues. I'm really hoping this is in it's own forum.. if not please feel free to move it for me. 

Thank you. . . .  .  .  . 

