Hey everyone. How are you all? Is anyone else getting extremely low on supplies and having trouble finding any in stock? My orders have been on backorder since early January and I'm running on fumes. Looking into figuring out how to make a DIY bag and wafer to get by if supplies don't arrive before I run out. Anyone dealt/dealing with this? Hi Chris, That’s a pickle. I haven’t heard of a scarcity. Although I am on a different part of the World. Is it your courier at fault. You may reach out directly to the company if you ain’t already. I get supplies delivered to a nearby pharmacy. Is that something you could do. What brand are you using. ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Hey @chris, Which product are you waiting for? I recently received both the 1pc and 2pc Hollister systems in the last few weeks without issues. From Payless Medical. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hey Eric. I order Coloplast 16971 wafers. They are deep convex and cut to fit up to 55mm. Im discovering that may be why Im having an issue. I was able to get my hands on a box of light convex, but Ive got 3 left. I have a few other 'emerg' kits left as well.. Ive only ordered from and checked Payless, Canmed, and Starkmens. Tomorrow I'm going to call everywhere I can google, and Im also going to maybe try Hollister products - maybe some places may have stock in those convex wafers. I was kinda curious if anyone had ever been in a situation where they had to makeshift for a number of days with a ziplock or something. I saw a video on Youtube where a woman made a colostomy bag out of household items, and that was pretty neat, but saw little else. I'm fortunate that I have a few changes left - and that I can get 3 days now. But still, I ordered in January and no one can give an ETA, so its kinda disconcerting. @john68 Thanks for the reply John. I believe the issue is that they dont stock many of my items, and so maybe they come from overseas.. or something. I haven't had a long talk with any suppliers as to why, because Ive only just started freaking out :) Im going to give a deeper inquiry tomorrow. But its not the courier.. the suppliers dont have the goods. Chris, try calling Coloplast directly. They might be able to tell you where to find your specific appliances, and they might even send you some samples to tide you over. The thought of running out of supplies is just scary. Good luck. Laurie Just a semicolon Chris, if you're in Toronto Canada, may be try CANMedirect.ca. Call them @ (1-855-422-6633) and see do they have. Tell them your situation, they are helpful. Chris, can you use 16961? If so, I could send you some. I have built up a bit of a surplus. 😀 -Liza Thanks all! It's really nice of you to help out. I will look into all those options and let you know what happens. :) I was kinda curious if anyone had ever been in a situation where they had to makeshift for a number of days with a ziplock or something. This is the "norm" in many underdeveloped countries, although, I can see so many skin issues developing from a makeshift appliance. See if any other places in the GTA have them, or even try Shoppers Home Health Care since they have a huge network of stores. It is worrying that any SKU would be out of stock for that long. I echo @stella in giving Coloplast a try - maybe they'll send you an extended "samples kit" with a few months worth of those :) Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I did talk to Coloplast this morning, and they were really great. They put me on hold while they called suppliers who would most likely have the products I'm looking for. They came back shortly thereafter on a conference call with one of the suppliers, SCISUPPLY, who had plenty in stock, and I now have a bunch on the way. Happy day. I'm going to make sure that I have a larger reserve from now on. Thanks all for the help, it was feeling pretty uncomfortable thinking that I might actually run out. Whew! That was a close one! I am so glad that you resolved the problem. I usually order the limit each month (which is two boxes of one-piece light convex) according to Medicare standards. This way, I always have a good supply on hand. 😊 Stella Yes, I'm happy. Coloplast is also sending me samples of their new convex rings and a typical flat wafer, which will be interesting to try and see if it is a work around for the convex wafer. If I can find success with a flat wafer (along with convex ring) then I'll be working with a wafer that is more typically in stock. The convex ones apparently aren't so much. @chris Awesome! Glad they could help! I'm familiar with SCI (you might even see some of my video reviews under a few products they list 😁), but haven't used them for orders. I'd be interested in knowing how your experience is through them. 👍 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy I just got the package at my door, 24 hours later. So that was really quick. I'm very happy with them.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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