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A Practical Guide to Ostomy Filter Stickers (w/ video)

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Let's discuss ostomy filter stickers and how to use them effectively! Have you found any brands that have particularly good (or bad) filter stickers? Share it in the comments.

For my written article on this topic, please click on the link below.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Karen Knight)
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I do use the filter stickers. Since I have an ileostomy, my output is always liquid and sometimes it will leak at the filter.

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Leaks through the filter are frustrating, to say the least.

Have you considered using a gelling product to thicken up your output so it delays/prevents the filter from getting wet?

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Eric thanks for these tips with the stickers. I've been having a trouble with pancaking. I put a filter sticker on and I blew a little air into the pouch so that it was a little bit puffy. And that kept my output flowing downward instead of getting stuck. I also gave my pouch a good shot of lubricant and deodorant liquid which helped too. And then I had another idea come to me just out of the blue and I hope that it's of interest to you too. I was going through things in my kitchen and I found my can of compressed air that I use for dusting computer equipment and things like that. The thought of blowing into a pouch that I had just drained was not particularly appealing to me so I took my little can of air in with me and gave it just a brief squirt of air and it inflated the pouch just enough and is working really well. The air in those cans is really very clean because it has to be for electronic parts. Just thought you might like to try that little hint cuz it's working for me and I especially appreciate it with the stickers over the filter and the whole thing

Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!!

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Hey Barbara, I have an even easier way to get air in your pouch!

With the bottom outlet open, simply grab the outward facing layer of your pouch and pull it out, then close the bottom! By expanding the two sides of your pouch, you allow air to enter it without having to blow into it. I do this all the time :)

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Posts: 452

Now i know why you get the  oh bucks!! Good idea and so simple

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Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!!

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=) Glad I could help!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Linda Kerby)
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Good tops. I have had my Ostomy for a little over 2 months. Pancaking is huge. Frustrating. I have Hollister pouches. No stickers, I don't need it? I did use tape to cover filter helped, but odor increased some. I guess it's a trade off. I will try Eric's suggestion. I like Barbara's idea also. If your reading this Barbara, can you tell me where u bought and brand? I'm trying to loosen my output also. I've tried alot of things.

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Hi Linda,

If you need to put a sticker on a Hollister pouch, then you can use any non-porous tape.

For odor, consider using an in-pouch deodorant. I've been using Hollister m9 with great success!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Soo the tape or sticker goes inside over the filter. I know, silly question. I guess I'm thinking if I want to remove it.. :(...I tried your idea of straightening the cloth side of the bag I believe. Still pancakes around stoma. I do use the M9 odor and oil.. Not sure I like the toilet tissue one. Will hit the Blog and see if any different suggestions. :)

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The sticker goes on the outside - always! Makes it easier to apply and remove if needed.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Awww.well,yhsts where I had it and started laughing because I saw you put them on the inside of the other pouches. Is it OK to use waterproof tape across it?  

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Some pouches look like they're inside out, but the stickers are always on the outside. Waterproof tape works fine :)

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Know someone with an illieostomy that I know needs vitamin supplements like b12 or 6 or d and c.Would crushing the b12 vitamins in yogurt absorb real well with them?.and how many milligrams would help serious energy levels?Any information will help about the best way to gain all your vitamins as a illieostomy patient.Thank you please respond soon.......

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Hey Virgil,

I have some information on B12 here:

And an article on taking supplements and medication with an ostomy here:

Dosing will have to be discussed with a doctor, but for B12 there are many ways to get it that don't involve swallowing a pill.

I hope that helps.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Oh my goodness, I left hospital last week after almost 7 weeks with my bag and at no point did anyone - including my stoma nurses - tell me about the stickers! Only when I got my prescription and went through the box did I wonder what they were for.

Thank you!

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Ha! Well, I think many of us have that experience! LOL I'm glad that we eventually figure it out :) 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Cj aubrey)
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I've had this problem for months, drives me crazy. My filter stays clean one day, then starts leaking and smells. I've had my colostomy since 2016....can filter stickers be purchased?

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Hi CJ,

Filter stickers are usually included with the bags. Which brand are you using?

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Jonathan LaRocca)
Joined: 5 years ago
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I forgot to cover my filter before showering... so you typically change pouches at that point? Or just cover the filter with a sticker and try to leave it covered until you need to change pouches again?

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