@I don’t know where you are located but if you are in the United States have them order all your regular medicine thst you take at home because that was a fiasco for me. They would not let me bring the meds and it was a struggle getting them to order them. The next time I just brought them and they took them away from me and sent them to their pharmacy and I never got them back. I had my appointment with the stoma nurse on Wednesday and the pre-op screening as well. They told me to bring my meds and catheters, because they're unsure if they can get it through their own pharmacy on time (I know that's crap, this is another money saving ploy...). The screening nurse also told me that three days in hospital is a realistic prognosis, so we'll see. The hospital works with Dansac and Hollister supplies which is fine I guess. But they gave me only one bag to try out. So I've ordered samples from Convatec and Hollister. I went for Convatec, because they have a "pre-op training sample pack". Very curious to see what they will send me. Tomorrow, I'll call the hospital to see if they can tell me anything about how much longer I'll have to wait. Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023 @cat-momma that’s great! So if you had your pre ops and stoma visit it should not be much longer at all. Hollister’s new extended wear pouches are not bad I’ve tried them. It’s just that I’m a convatec baby because I had gotten so accustomed to them since 2017 and they have rarely if ever failed me. I wanted so badley for the Coloplast mio to work out but after a 3-4 month trial I found were not for me so back to my convatec. When you leave the hospital they will most likely be giving you more pouches and supplies to go home with to get you started at least they did me but then again I’m in the US so I’m not sure where you are located. If you get samples from convatec keep in mind they do have an active life line that they really don’t advertise too much anymore and they are great reliable pouches too and ask if they can also send you a couple of those with what ever else they are sending. I also wanted to mention if can get yourself a couple of corsinol stoma safe Ostomy support garments to wear this way your bag is not just hanging there in a free for all. The support garment has 2 panels in in which one that goes against your skin has a hole in it to put your pouch through and the second panel goes over the top of that and has a little pocket at the bottom to put and secure your pouch end in. It’s s one piece system but 2 panels. You will feel more put together instead of the pouch just hanging there.,I actually have 8 of them. They say to hand wash but I do put mine in the washer and dryer. Corsinol has 2 type but make sure you get the stoma safe plus one. The older version one is thin like gauze and no good for anything. You will feel more comfortable having one of these. @Chelly A support garment is a great suggestion. I don't think the brand you mentioned is available in EU, but I've found some options on Etsy and on some Dutch and UK websites. I am currently 'practicing' wearing an appliance. My ostomy will be slightly lower than my belly button (that's the plan at least), so it won't hang out any of my pants. I'm kind of forced to wear it inside my undies. I'm noticing it gets really warm and moist after a couple of hours. I think a cover or support garment might help to feel a bit more cool (temperature wise ;) ) I got some samples from Convatec and Coloplast (as well as the iconic Coloplast scissors). Hollister samples are on their way, I spoke with their rep yesterday. Great conversation and she gave me some very usefull information. She'll send me some Dansac and Hollister products. Today I've been practicing with drainable bags. I filled the bag with oatmeal and water a few times, in varying consistencies to feel the wieght and then tried to empty it. That was pretty messy, need to practice some more lol... But... no leakage so far, so I got the closing down! I am having trouble with the click system of the Sensura mio. That ring with the 'clicker' on it, comes off every time I try to remove the bag. And it's a bit fiddly to get it back around the flange. Minor nuisance, the click system does keep the bag on securely. Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023 That is really cool that you are practicing. I would have never thought if that! The Coloplast scissors are the best!!! So much easier for cutting. lol everytime I change her I say Coloplast needs to do better than this. Once it’s on all is good but she really hasn’t been getting much wear time and I notice bad odors leaking out sometimes. She is stuck in it though so to skin allergies to other things. @chelly I have a good friend who got an ostomy 11 years ago, for the same reason I'm getting one. He is such a good resource for things like this, telling me how to prepare, what to look out for, how to practice, things to ask the surgeon, the nurse, the anesthesiologist.... I am really grateful that he is such a great friend! Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023 @chelly I wear the Coloplast Mio Sensura, but the stickie system, not the click system, and I like it. I find the click system really fiddly. Also, another place to look for support garments is Vanilla Blush in Glasgow. I bought a belt/binder from them after my hernia repair last year, and I really like it. Laurie Just a semicolon @cat-momma you are really lucky to have a mentor to prepare you for an ostomy. I felt like I was fumbling in the dark in the early days of my ostomy. There is nothing better than help from someone who has been there. Laurie Just a semicolon @cat-momma ... hello... I want to suggest something about meds you need to bring to the hospital incase they don't have yours. When taking Meds from home to the hospital, have your Pharmacist make what you need in 10 day portions in seperate pill bottles & CLEARLY Labeled with a red allergy flag. I once brought in my month supply bcuz thats how I got them at the time in a blister pack. On handing them over to the RN on admittance she said they'd be going to the hospital pharmacy for verification & then they are sent back up to the floor I'd be staying on after surgery. One of my pills was a triplicate presc./narcotic which means If gone missing I have to answer for them. You should ask to have a paper to sign & 2 nurses to witness your triplicates as well & keep a copy. I have a real sensitivity to the preservatives in some Meds. & this was one of them. When it came time to give the pills out to patients, I happen to look into the little paper cup the nurses put them in to hand to the patients. On peeking in I noticed there was one pill that was different then I usually had in my blister pack. I asked what that pill was & what it does. After she answered I asked where my original pills were, then told her that bcuz of my sensitivity to preservatives, I told her I needed what was in my blister pack "not the hospital brand!!" Ofcourse Hospital Pharmacy was apparently closed so I had to wait for morning!! Ugh! That meant for one very painful long night for me & the next day I did'nt get any further. I ended up asking for a PATIENT LIASON/ADVOCATE. Best move to date!! Wheels turned like a teenage boy having Dads car for the first time with no curfew!! Iolol!! I rec'd appologies & the correct pills. I also made a formal complaint to the Hospital about the pharmacy guidelines & so very glad I did. It has not happened to me since. However, prior to knowing I could ask for " Patient Advocate/ Liason", the same happened with my fentanyl patch!! I have a set routine for changing it over & at that time the RN had put it on my preferred spot! I did'nt notice a brand name change until the next day when my sypmtoms had been increasing & my aggitated body was really rebelling!!!! I had to walk to the rather long distance nurses station feeling like I was going to bounce off the walls like a ping pong ball gone roguel!! I knew if I talked to the rather new LPN at the time that shed make a weak excuse, walk away, label me as a complaint risk & never say a thing to the powers that be! So here I was making my way up the seemingly narrow hallway to the Nurses Station & spoke to the 1st RN that acknowledged me 10 feet away. Such a fabulous surprise, my Family Doctor was there too & gave me heck for being out of bed & asked If I'd been drinking bcuz of my "wobbliness". He knows me as a patient & a casual friend from church as well, so I knew he was joking. He had the nurse get & put me it in a wheel chair & I explained what I had noticed! He is very aware of this strange reaction & looked immediatly into the Nurses Medication cart & the locked cabinet & found all my patches had been swapped out for hospital brands!! He took charge immediatly & got upset enough for the two of us! THANK HEAVEN he was there! So... don't be afraid to use you personal powers & over explain if need be. I've had to tell some Nurses .. "you are'nt LISTENING to me," Do I need to speak with your supperior This is usually the last thing they want so they tend to tune in better. I save the most important issues for calling on Hospital Patient Liasons & its important not to be too critical or demanding as there is a lot of nursing shortages & its not a hotel or restaurant. Meals... I bring my own small salt & pepper & herb mixture for adding. When/if you get a menu be sure & mark down 2 milk if you prefer 2. 2 salt, 1 pepper, if what you can eat or is not on the menu, write it down anyways. The little fruit cups on the menu all the time here, I write down CANNED fruit & then I get all peaches rather then eating the 7 little peaches out only of fruit cups & wasting the rest. If you eat 2 eggs at home, write down 2 eggs. Write down brown or whole grain bread. You may or may or may not get it, but write it down. I hope this has been helpful, sorry its so long! Here rooting for a great outcome for you! Linda @dlkfiretruck Oh Linda, what ordeals you went through!! I certainly hope I will have a smoother time in hospital. My medication is just a muscle relaxant for my bladder. From my experience, they don't take it from me, they just want to know if anything might interfere with whatever pain meds or antibiotics they need to give me. My allergies are listed in my online patient file, so it should be very clear what they can and cannot give me. Although new allergies seem to pop up at almost every hospital visit. As for food, it should be sorted. I've talked to a hospital dietician and she promised to keep an eye on the admission sheet. So I should be getting only vegan foods, hopefully without too much salt. Hopefully tomorrow, I will get to know when my surgery is due. Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023 I brought my own socks and Birkenstock step-in sandals to the hospital (much easier to walk in than the slipper-sox with grips on the bottom that they give to everybody here). My roommate brought a pair of very soft, loose pull-on pajama bottoms - so on her trips to the bathroom or walking the hall she didn’t have to deal with a bathrobe (so complicated with an iv) AND her backside was decently covered. 😊 Hope you get your date scheduled! Colostomy 4/30/18. @tigerlily I was using the mio for about 3 months but then I got defective pouches and it really turned me off. I ultimately went back to my convatec. Dont trust those Velcro ends anymore. that’s awesome you found a good support garment. The ones I posted are really not for hernias just for the appliance support. I have a date!! My surgery is on the 12th of July!! Yay! Summer is honestly a great time to have surgery. You'll be recovered in time to enjoy some great weather! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @cat-momma ... Congrats! If your relatively healthy going in it will be easier to recover. Drink plenty of flluids it'll help wake up your internal organs. It may seem somewhat brutal but they'll want you up walking ASAP usually the day after surgery. I find this the best thing ever! We've all heard the saying "use it or loose it" all too often I've seen this to be true! Plus, if your body is going to rebel, it can do it while you have medical help right at your finger tips. I'm happy for you getting this long awaited date! Your going to do very well! Best Wishes & I'll be keeping you in my prayers. Linda @cat-momma hi, how are you feeling? You must be healing nicely about now and getting used to things. How are you managing now days? Did you find a favorite Ostomy bag? Are you using rings or not? Just wondering if you got everything in order for yourself. In another thread you mentioned high output. Lol! After that mention I’ve been pooping like crazy! Like shhhhhh! Lol Hi guys, sorry I've been away for awhile. Things have not been going as smoothly as I'd hoped. I came home three days after surgery. Everything went great, was feeling good, had the right products, etc. But did have pain and no adequate pain medication. Got that fixed and could pick up the new pain meds on Thursday. Then on Wednesday that same week, I started to feel nauseous and was unable to eat in the evening. Thursday and Friday were worse. Very nauseous, liquid output (thank goodness the hospital sent me home with drainable bags) and lots of pain. Was unable to take the pain meds due to the nausea. Felt better on Saturday and started to eat small amounts of low fiber foods. Everything went better, untill Monday. But no output since Saturday. Hosipital nurse told me to wait untill Tuesday, probably due to my sickness my gut was empty and needed some more time. In the evening became nauseous after dinner again, which is when I finally put 2 and 2 together. I must have had food poisoning. I had been eating some precut cabbage. I normally never buy precut veggies, but it seemed handy after surgery. Threw all of that away and was fine again. Next Monday my behind started to feel increasingly uncomfotable. To the point where I could not sit at all anymore. Pain meds helped some, but not enough. It also felt a bit swollen down there, but couldn't really see anything concerning when I looked via a mirror. On Thursday I came back after my evening walk and discovered my hygienic pad was completely soaked with a pinkish fluid. Called my GP on Friday, she was able to see me that afternoon. GP thought she could feel an abscess in my perinneal wound. She talked to the hospital and then told me to go to the emergency department. Went there, they did a CT scan and found several abscesses in the anal cavity. Inflammation markers were high, so they kept me. On Saturday they started flushing the wound three times a day. They wanted to do surgery, but all the OR's were booked, so they had to wait till Sunday. When Sunday came, the flushing seemed to have helped enough to avoid surgery. Inflammation markers had come down. They kept flushing the wound, now twice that day. I would be able to go home on Monday, if they were able to arrange a nurse to come to my house to flush the wound twice a day. I was so happy when I heard on Monday they had been able to make arrangements for that evening, so I was able to go home! So.... home since yesterday. Butt feels much better now, don't need any pain meds anymore. Tilly is doing fine, the swelling of my abdomen seems to come down a bit. Home care nurse comes twice a day to flush the wound. They will continue this untill the fluids stay clear. Must say that my stay this time was much better than after surgery (this was a different department too). I got proper vegan meals (instead of mashed potatoes with butter and a tub of dairy yoghurt....) this time. I've lost a lot of weight since surgery, so having proper and tasty meals are so important for my recovery. I also had better room mates and was able to have better sleep. Hoping for smooth sailing from now on! Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023
The home meds in the hospital uggh yes probably to save money and they might put them in the hospital pharmacy while your there. Just don’t forget to ask for them back.all the pouch makers at least I know hollister, convatec and Coloplast all have a starter kit. It’s a little travel bag that includes some handy supplies. I would pack what I need for a pouch change in them and called it my emergency kit.
I’m glad things are moving along for you.
my client currently wears the click and omg! I have trouble with it too! You might wanna try the one piece instead because that thing…….
Yes one of those Ostomy garments keeps the bag off of your skin and then keeps it in place tucked in nicely. I feel so undone when I don’t have one on. My Ostomy nurse suggested it right off the bat.
yes it’s good your practicing. It will be a bit different when it’s real output but by doing this you will have more of a handle on things.
I really like the way you have gotten yourself ready for this. It’s just amazing!
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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