Quite a few factors influence whether someone’s stoma will have a tendency to be problematic or not, and a well-placed stoma is at the top of the list of things that can help.
Ostomy Life
Featuring articles dealing with many aspects of living as an ostomate, including public perception, mental health, and coping.
Ostomy Adventure! 360° Tour of the Universal Studios Orlando GardenWalk/CityWalk
I had the pleasure of visiting Orlando, Florida for both AIBD 2017 and the IBD Social Circle Summit.
World Ostomy Day 2017 : The Path to Accepting Your Ostomy
October 7th, 2017 – It’s another World Ostomy Day, and this year I’d like to discuss the truth about having an ostomy and ways to reach acceptance.
I Celebrated My 4th “Stomaversary”! (w/ video)
August 21, 2017 – It’s hard to believe that it’s been four years since I had my ostomy surgery!
Why Wouldn’t You Get a J-Pouch? (w/ video)
When people find out that I have an ostomy, a common question they as is “Why not get a J-Pouch?”.
Walt Disney World Resorts with an Ostomy or IBD: TIPS (w/ video)
Ask a kid one place they’d want to visit, and Disney will be at the top of their list. Adults are no different, and a visit to a Disney park is often somewhere on our bucket list.
Sex with an Ostomy: Tips for Better Intimacy (w/ video)
Ostomates shouldn’t be afraid to talk about sex. So let’s start.
Universal Studios with an Ostomy or IBD: TIPS (w/ video)
Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida is one of those places that you have to put on your bucket list. If you have an ostomy and/or IBD there may be a few things you should know ahead of time.
Hospital Food: Making the Best of It
Hospitals aren’t known for serving 5-star meals, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through them.
Traveling with an Ostomy | PART 3 | Enjoying Your Trip
You made it! Now that you’ve landed and have an awesome time ahead, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.
In this article, I’ll be going over some tips to enjoying your trip when you are at your destination.