When I was tagged by my friend to be part of the IBD Advocacy Tag, I was like, “OH, HELL YEAH!!”.
These articles feature video content that either compliment or replace the entire article.
Ostomy Chat with Amber Wallace (Part 1): The New Patient Experience
I had the pleasure of doing a video interview/chat with a fellow ostomate, Amber Wallace, and I’m so happy to be sharing this new series with you!
The “Crusting Technique” Explained! (w/ video)
You’ve probably heard of the “crusting technique” if you’ve had your ostomy for a while. But what is it and does it actually work?
In this article, I’ll be answering those questions and more!
Why Do Stomas Change Their Size? (w/ video)
Anyone with an ostomy will tell you that sometimes their stoma will often act as if it has a mind of its own!
The Importance of Stoma Site Marking (w/ video)
Quite a few factors influence whether someone’s stoma will have a tendency to be problematic or not, and a well-placed stoma is at the top of the list of things that can help.
Introducing: Videos!
I’m happy to be unveiling my latest website addition: The Videos Page!
Coloplast Sensura Mio High-Output ostomy bags: Overview (w/ video)
If you’re a fan of the Coloplast SenSura Mio line and you have a high-output stoma, have I got something for you!
WEBINAR: Living with an Ostomy 101 – Surviving and Thriving the First Six Months and Beyond
I had the pleasure of being a panelist during the “Living with an Ostomy 101” webinar that was hosted by Corstrata last month.
Hollister Premier 1pc with CeraPlus: Review (w/ video)
I’m no stranger to Hollister or their product offering, but the Premier one-piece with CeraPlus piqued my interest due to some interesting benefits.
Dealing with Ostomy Product Overload! (w/ video)
Ostomy surgery can be stressful, even when you’re prepared.