Having been impressed with past ostomy appliances by B. Braun, I was excited to see what their 1-piece system offered!
B. Braun
A Practical Guide to Ostomy Filter Stickers (w/ video)
When I was a new ostomate, I remember seeing sheets of stickers included with my ostomy bags and had no idea what they were for.
First Trip with an Ostomy! Cape Town, South Africa (w/ video)
Between March 13-16th, 2016 I was able to take my first flight in over 20 years. It was not only my first flight in decades, but it was my first time traveling with an ostomy and as a vegan.
In this post, I’ll be detailing my experience, as well as explain why I was even in South Africa!
B. Braun Flexima 3S Ostomy Wafer & Pouch: REVIEW (w/ video)
New ostomy products get me excited, and nothing excites me more than a new ostomy appliance. I’ve been fortunate enough to be the first North American patient to use the new Flexima 3S by B. Braun, and I’m so happy to be finally able to present this review.
Disclaimer: B. Braun has provided me sample products to use for this review ahead of the official, North American product launch. As with all my other reviews, I’ve received no other compensation, and my opinions are purely my own.