Tim, the “Vegan Barbarian”, Titus is an ileostomate from Chatham, Ontario. He found the VeganOstomy website after going vegan, and he connected with me through my YouTube channel.
Animal Rights
Going Vegan: Tips for New and Soon-To-Be Vegans
Deciding to go vegan and avoid animal products is life-changing. It’s not always easy to change the things you’ve done all your life, but it can be done and it will be one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself and those around you.
Toronto Vegetarian Food Fest 2016: Meeting My Idol!
Sept 10, 2016 – I had a chance to attend the 32nd Annual Toronto Vegetarian Food Festival over the weekend and man did I have had fun!
3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going Vegan (World Vegan Day 2015)
It’s World Vegan Day 2015, and there’s no better time to go vegan than now! With thousands of books, websites, personal blogs and YouTube channels dedicated to this lifestyle, you’ll feel right at home! But things weren’t always this easy, and the lack of a mature internet made living as a vegan a complicated affair!
These are some of the things I wish I knew before going vegan. Oh, and Happy World Vegan Day! =)
Vegan Questions Answered (video)
I enjoyed watching the vegan TAG video by Brianna from the Love Raw Vegan (sadly, no longer on YouTube), and I felt I should do my own video and answer the same questions. Enjoy the show!
Toronto Vegetarian Food Fest 2014
I was finally able to make it to the Toronto Vegetarian Food Festival this year.