This is a thread where we can chat about our weather and let people know how things are going in our lives , so today in Cobh , Ireland its 10C , overcast but not a bad day , heading to the surgery nurse tomorrow to check on my blood pressure and hopefully adjust my meds , hope everyone is doing ok , Tony It is mighty chilly here in northern Minnesota, -21F but warm in my house. I have a lousy cold and am staying inside watching the inauguration of our new President on tv, reading a book about the American presidents, and drinking coffee. And I have been using up some of my fabric scrap stash (making a small quilt, mug rugs, coasters ….) lately and might do that, too . Colostomy 4/30/18. Good Morning everybody . Nice weather here in the Desert of Southern California USA . Having low last night of 42°F and looking for high of 70°F today . Blue clear skies and sunny . Watching our new President being sworn into office . Hope you all have a great day today Robert Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis Tony H... what nice things to post about! We often forget we are more then stomas here! Lol! Though, there is this "lounge" area for chitchat, I have much trouble starting new posts. I have wondered how we all are fairing, so know that I really think this is a cool thing to do Tony! Thank you!  In British Columbia Canada, I live in Canadas only desert, it's been cold & crispy!!  It's currently -2°c. With wind chill of minus-5 out there!! We had a cold windy weekend! No snow yet but the Grands are hoping for it. I've been quite sick. It starts with honorable mention to kindergarten age germs. Thank you my sweet little Grand, Gwen!! Lol! This gave me a horrid nasty chest & headcold, turning into Bronchitis, (now at one week before Christmas), with a stomach flu bug with antibiotics for the bronchitis. I had a much needed iron infusion Dec. 24th. This hit me terribly with all the nasty side effects that you don't want. This virus & bronchitis that rendered me useless & put me in bed seemed to keep reappearing in one form or another! It seems my body is rebelling to the recovery process. The doctors tell me it's like "long covid" only not quite as bad. I'm still dizzy & nauseated, puked my guts up again last night from being so nauseated & you'd think after an iron infusion when my iron was at 5, that I'd be conquering life no problem. Not so! The combined "long virus recovery" with the nasty side affects of the iron infusion, it has made life very difficult. I can hardly stand up bcuz my balance is so off key and theres this intense WEAKNESS. I want to take this opportunity to REMIND US ALL, that we are more at risk of viruses, headcolds & flu. If you have an auto-immune disease, you are again at greater risk. If someone wants to visit, I know first ask how they & there families are? Any runny noses, colds, flu? If they have been ill, then we'll just visit over the phone now. This has affected all of my life. I did not know there was such a thing as this virus continuing into a hard & desperate recovery.  So... wear a mask and ask the hard questions. Don't take the risks, it's so not worth it. I was doing so well managing even with my iron so low, I thought I could handle volunteering on field trips & in Gwens classroom. . . Lol! What a joke! So, stay strong & stay away from sick people, even those with snotty nose or coughing. I hope none of you get this! Wash hands more frequently & don't touch your face as even my eyes have been inflamed.  Lol, BTW... Happy New YEAR to us all. Linda @dlkfiretruck Hey Linda you really have been through the wars , since covid I'm still masking up in shops and esp pharmacies, Still take the flu and covid boosters and the pneumonia one as well , This is a great site and sometimes you might just want to say Hi to someone , With our illness it can get lonely as our sleep patterns are never the best and while reading is great to while away those hours Sometimes just saying Hi can make you feel better , Hope you feel even a little better soon ,all the best from my little corner of Ireland It was in the low 20s F here today. No snow yet. LL, that is soooo cold!!  I’ve been buying lots of quilting fabrics and patterns. I really want a new sewing machine. I have an old one my hubby bought me for Christmas 25 years ago and an even older one I bought second hand, with no manual. And I have misplaced the manual for mine. I have made probably 25 quilts, most of them baby quilts. I recently was visiting my friend in Idaho and used her new machine and now i do not want to keep using mine. -Liza It’s -13C in SW Ontario along the west coast of Lake Huron. Brrrr! Lots of lake effect snow too. I’m already tired of winter, so my husband and I are heading to the south coast of Portugal in a few days. Not coming back until it smartens up here!🥶  Laurie Just a semicolon @squeakyandliza you definitely deserve a new sewing machine , don't wait for a present treat yourself  @tigerlily enjoy Portugal Laurie , its a beautiful country , and lovely at this time of the year , its especially nice around Lisbon if you get a chance to visit , and the people there are lovely ,havent been for a few years but after the dismal summer we had in Ireland last year we need some sunshine and will probable go there early this year .  10C , not a bad day , dull but with some sunshine , had BP done by nurse and she said it wasn't too bad , but will set my up with a 24 hour monitor in a couple of weeks , hope everyone is doing ok Great thread! Between +10C and -29C, you'd think we're all living on a different planet! I just got an alert from Weather Canada about an extreme cold weather effect coming in... wind chill close to -35c. Brutal. The cold hasn't stopped me from cycling, though! You just have to dress for it, and usually have to worry about being too warm, rather than too cold! @njewell1 I hope you guys haven't been impacted by the California fires. It's crazy how out of control fires can get under the right conditions, and it's been a terrible loss for everyone, and everything in the area. @tigerlily Portugal sounds like a nice escape! Enjoy :) @dlkfiretruck Awe, those kiddy germs really do get around. I was getting sick every other week when we had the grandkids over at the start of school. One thing I "miss" about the pandemic lockdowns was not getting sick... for years, not even a cold! Get well soon. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Thank you Eric we are south of Los Angeles and clear from the fires . The fires are horrible with a lot of loss of life and property . Firefighters are getting a handle on it but still burning and not completely contained . It was a beautiful area . Robert Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis You all are going to make me look up the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion. I have no idea how cold it really is in all your towns. I am so jealous you are going to Portugal, Laurie. That sounds amazing!! -Liza @tony-h Thanks Tony; looking forward to getting away. We fly into Lisbon and stay for 3 days, then head south to the Algarve. We have been there before, but not for many years. In fact we have not been to Europe since my ostomy surgery 9 years ago. I had side effects from the radiation that made it difficult for me to sit for very long. I wasn’t sure I could handle a trans Atlantic flight - so we’ll see how it goes. We have taken shorter flights this year to Arizona and Vancouver, and that was a test. I think I can manage a longer flight now. Fingers crossed.  This will be the first time travelling with my irrigation equipment. This will be interesting to see if I actually use it, and if I do, how well it works out. I haven’t bothered when we’re staying at a hotel, but this time we have an apartment, so I’m hoping it will be more convenient.   I have been packed for weeks; my husband hasn’t started packing yet. So typical of both of us. Tony, if you decide to go to Portugal anytime soon, let me know; we’re there until early March. And if you’re in the Luz area, the first round is on me! And that goes for anyone on this site! Just a semicolon @squeakyandliza Tony is right - treat yourself! You only live once, as they say. We tell ourselves that we can’t justify the expense if it’s only for a hobby, but it’s the hobbies that let us recharge our batteries. What we do for fun is important for our quality of life. Go for it. And then send us photos of your quilts.   Laurie Just a semicolon @dlkfiretruck Linda, I hope you’re feeling better soon. Eric is right about Covid masking preventing cold and flu transmission - it was one good thing about that time - I didn’t have a cold for four years. Young kids pick up everything going around at school, so you’re bound to get it when they visit. Take good care of yourself.🤧  Laurie Just a semicolon All shopping done ,everything charging,just waiting for the end of the world storm to hit Ireland tonight , Got the big trees taken down in the last few days so that's a relief,  Just hope that it's not as bad as the forecast says 5C and windy. Hey all... Liza, I bought a new machine on sale last spring & can't believe how great it is! As said, you make lots of quilts for little people so, yeah, go get that new machine your craving!! It's so worth it & I'm sure you won't be sorry!! Yes, please post a picture of the finished product. Have you heard from John at all?? Tigerlily... Portugal sounds so wonderful!! I'd love to join you & meet Tony and who knows, maybe there will be others there! What fun that would be! Be sure & tell us of your trip when you get home... any room in your bag for a stow away? Lol! I'll pray your trip goes well & will be safe & a restful fun time! I thinks it's pretty exciting you are going!  Eric, after I got sick in November with my grand, that when the K class was referred to as a "cess pool of germs!" When I thought about it, just the playground alone is gross! Lol, live & learn right? I'll 😷 mask up on bus trips when I get back to it. I certainly appreciated & had no problem doing as ordered during covid. At present we mask up in pharmacies and now hospitals & pharmacy masking is an order here again. I haven't had the usual colds & flus for years either.  Tony... I think a holiday is in order for many of us! Lol! I hope you are not affected by that storm at all! Growing up, we frequently camped with my parents, in a trailer. One afternoon, four of us young teens were playing games in the trailer. We had just started cleaning up games & the others were out & clear of the awning when a big tree came down and took out my Dads new truck, his Harley Davidson, my older sister's car and ofcourse, the trailer & anything in the area. There were 8 of us altogether in various places when it happened. I had literally just stepped out of the trailer & on the ground & heard this man yelling "RUN, the trees coming down!!!" I must have moved fast enough bcuz other then being in shock, other then my cousin, who had a concussion & broken arm, miraculously, no one else was injured beyond scrapes & bruises. That mess took hours for the cleanup & the damage to "things" that can be replaced was extensive. I don't think you'll regret taking trees down that have done their time. You'd never want to go thru that experience with your home. I remember turning to look at the scene & it looked & even sounded like a bomb exploded 🤯 . Robert, its good to know you are safe!!! Those winds they had with the fires were sure wicked & I know they don't help one bit. This summer was our first in eight years where we were not threatened by forest & grass fires. Our Fire Depts all come together to help all our different communities safely thru them. When we had to be evacuated one year & it's worth it to have a "go bag" ready.  I am muddling thru things as usual but as always, "I'm okay so far! Lol." I don't typically get too discouraged when I'm forced down like this, as you all know, you just have to go with the flow right? I got my Tuesdays blood work back & I have a GP Appt. later today. My body is not handling the iron infusion well at all. It hardly budged my iron level. Which has added to the side affects. My Potassium is .5 away from being under what it should be which explains so much too. I'm still able to eat & I am getting the B12 Shots every 2 weeks, but now, my B12 level is also pretty much nonexistent. I look forward to a chin wag with the doc today! Brrrr.... baby its still cold outside! Its minus -10°c here for the last few days at night & feels just as chilly in the day time with that bit of a wind. Theres been So much lake effect snow here too & I'm glad I can see it from my bed. It's really such a different pretty snow to see falling to earth.  Good Day you all.... Linda I bought a new sewing machine two years ago, a model that is a step up from my older one (which I have kept for just in case) - it has automatic tension and a workspace that is a little larger. It is a little finicky sometimes but overall an improvement.  And I bought a walking foot this past fall, for sewing layers and quilting. It is fun to use. Colostomy 4/30/18. I heard I need a walking foot. My biggest frustration with my machine is the top and bottom fabric don’t feed through evenly. But without a manual for either of my old machines, I wouldn’t have the slightest idea if I could find one or if I’m even equipped for one. -Liza @squeakyandliza I bought the walking foot at the same shop where I got my sewing machine - the guy working there knew what would be the correct kind. I enjoy using it, and it keeps the upper and lower feeds even. I go a little slower with it than I do with the standard foot. Colostomy 4/30/18.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
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