Let's talk about changing an ostomy bag! Do you have any tips to share? For a written article on this topic, please click on the link below. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hi. Thanks so much for you wonderful video. My husband is 61 and just found out he has bladder cancer. He starts chemo next week for 4 treatments in 6wks. Then wait 1mth, surgery to remove bladder and prostate. Right now his anxiety level is very high and not sleeping. Got him some Zanex. I've been doing all the looking on line to help prepare him. I have found websites that offer belts to wear over the bag. StelthBelt is one. What is your opinion? I noticed your wedding ring. You are so young. Has having your prostate out affected your sexual activity? You know, I don't really care, I'm just grateful he is by my side. Did you have any kind of counseling when you had this done? Thanks for listening. Yvonne Brodzinski Hi Yvonne, I wish your husband all the best with his treatment. I still have my prostate, but my colon, rectum and anus were removed last year. I did not experience any issues with having sex, getting/maintaining an erection or having an orgasm, although the risk was there due to the nerves around the areas that needed to be cut. His surgeon should be able to give you more insight about that. I do use the StealthBelt and have reviewed it here: https://www.veganostomy.ca/stealth-belt-review/ If you do get one, my suggestion would be to wait until he's healed and in case there's any weight loss/gain that happens during the time the belt is being made. I ordered mine when I was underweight and it's getting tight now (time to get a larger one!), but it works well. Take care, and please let me know if you have any other questions. Eric Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Eric, I am new to your site and want to say thanks for all the great and relevant information you provide! As someone who has lived with an ilostomy for seven years now, I have gotten some wonderful new tips from you to help me live a better life as an ostomate. Here's something that works for me that you haven't mentioned. When it comes to changing my appliance, I use the hollister adhesive spray to help me attach the wafer to my skin. I find that it creates a better seal, reduces leaks, and increases the average useful life of the appliance from 3 days to 5 days. I begin with the same steps that you describe. However, in the "Optional - Barrior Products" step, I will lie down and then carefully apply a thin coat of the spray adhesive only to the skin around the stoma that will be covered by the wafer. I then will wait one or two minutes for the adhesive to become a little tacky. I find that fanning the area with a piece of paper or the appliance to be used helps the adhesive start to set-up/become tacky. After that, I just apply the appliance similar to the steps you describe. I have used the spray adhesive with both Hollister and Coloplast appliances and find it works well with both. Upon removal of the appliance, I find the clean-up the same whether I use the adhesive or not. It has never been a problem. My only caveats are not to spray too thick a coat and only spray on the area of the skin to be covered by the wafer. If I spray too thick a coat it tends to run off the side of my stomach, but this is easily wiped off with a paper towel or towelette. Also, a thicker coat will take longer to set-up/dry. If I spray an area wider than the wafer, after I apply the appliance the bag portion tends to stick to my skin. Again, any excess is easily wiped off and not an issue once dried. I'm not sure if this is for everyone, but as an active ostomate, this additional step has been beneficial for me. Thanks, Bret Thanks for sharing this, Bret! I actually have a bottle of the Hollister Adhesive, but haven't really had an opportunity to try it! I will at some point, though! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Eric, Hi Donna, Thanks for writing. I wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hi I have stoma 7, years I won't to tell you how great it is to watch your videos also I got box's of the rings you use as I can't use them I would give them to you if you won't I have them back home so when I get back in new year I just have then sitting I post them free won't not just nice to help fellow stoma warriors my name is Claire Hi Claire, Thank you for being a reader! If you do have extra supplies that you can't use, I would suggest donating them! Here are some ideas: https://www.veganostomy.ca/unused-ostomy-supplies/ Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Thank you so much for your informative video.I am 6 weeks post op loop ileostomy and have my first ring on sadly not a diamond! You're welcome, Clare! Loop ileos are a little more of a challenge, but I think you'll do awesome! Best to you! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Is Niltac still in business? Their webpage has no contact information, and when i send an email it just bounces back an error? Those 2 products would be awesome as the adhesive from hollister is tearing my skin up. Niltac was a Trio brand, but is currently owned by ConvaTec. I still have access to those products though my supplier (I order them every few months), but if they aren't available for you, try the Sensi-Care brand, which is the exact same product under a different name. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Eric, Thanks for this video. I used the bag hanging method and stood in front of a mirror on a stand on the countertop. It will take a bit to learn to do things watching in the mirror but I could see under my stoma so much better. The stoma nurse had me put the wax barrier on the wafer before applying it and I used your method today and I think I was able to do a better job this way. I guess time will tell if so.... My stoma still hasn't completely healed so it is a bit harder to measure and get the size just right. Again, thanks for all the time and effort you put into this site. Alice This is my first post as I have just joined the forum. Has anyone ever had a problem with not enough air in the pouch after a change? The air get sucked out which results in pancaking for a totally different reason, Hi iebrowne, Welcome here, does your bag have a filter, these can be responsible for sucking in and can be blocked off with the little stickers. To create some space try some toilet paper in the bag. ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Welcome to the forum! John is correct that it's the filter causing this problem. I make note of this in my "pancaking" article here: https://www.veganostomy.ca/pancaking-ostomy-tips/#Check_Your_Filter Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. My pouch does not have a filter, just a plain old pouch. Hi iebrowne, Mine is a two-piece, with no filter. If there is not enough air I open either the snap- together (where the bag joins the flange) or the bottom (where the bag empties) and let a little air in. If you have a two-piece, empty-able system, that can work. But I still get some pancaking, which is annoying - one day somebody will invent something to solve that, I hope! Colostomy 4/30/18.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
In 2 weeks I will be joining your ranks as I have rectal cancer so an APR surgery is looming. Not sure how things will fare with Stage 3 cancer as I'm not doing chemo etc. BUT your video was
so helpful in reducing my anxiety level. Wish I would have found it a few months ago. Anyway just wanted to thank you for taking all that time helping others.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
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