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TIES surgery

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    I have just learned of this option of a bag less ileostomy. Coming soon they say. 
    They are doing clinical studies now and hope to have this out by 2023. They say that current ileostomies can be changed to this.  I put the link at the top for more info Ostomycure. Com

LK and Jattzl reacted
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 4372

This was discussed years ago, and this thread may interest you:

Ignoring the fact that I hate the use of "ostomy cure" like our stoma is the disease, the surgery hasn't taken off since it was introduced in 2009!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK, Jattzl, GoatHerder and 2 people reacted
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Yes , see and I’m just learning of it now. Thanks for the link. Yes I agree Ostomy is not a disease and I thought the name was strange as well. But very interesting. Medical technology just keeps evolving. I’m sure my colorectal surgeon will be doing this if they approve it. I don’t know that I would go for it without seeing what people go through for a while after it’s approved. I’m sure there has to be some risks involved. 

Jattzl and VeganOstomy reacted
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@chelly I think we've all looked for, and found, various "alternatives" to traditional stoma surgery.

Unfortunately, not many have stood the test of time or would even be appropriate for all patients, but I am hopeful that surgical techniques improve to the point where everyone has a positive and trouble-free life after surgery.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

Jattzl, Chelly and john68 reacted
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Exactly! For now we have to be thankful we have our new fangled pouches. I think I was reading somewhere that when these ostomy’s  ever came  about that people were using buckets and all kind of crazy things. 
I watched one video where a girl was at the convatec museum of sort and she was only able to video so much of it but they had some of those old contraptions on the wall with info about them. Ostomy has a pretty interesting history. 

20 years from now people will be doing those TIES contraptions and many more things will be out. Our pouches will be in the history. Amazing! Just amazing!!

Joined: 7 years ago
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The history of an ostomy goes back a long way. Napoleon was rumoured to have a stoma and was the reason he is pictured with his hand in his tunic. And it supposed to have been a goats bladder. More recently was Dwight D Eisenhower, Fred Astaire and the Queen Mother. 

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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@john68 it is very interesting isn’t it? One of the bush’s has one too. Yes a goats bladder of all things! I was reading that way back they had no after care and a lot of folks were making home made ways to empty. I mean it actually goes way, way back even before the 1800’s. It’s just all amazing! I love learning!
