Let's talk about steatbelt protectors! Do you have any experiences to share or products you like? My written article on this topic can be found by clicking the link below. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. One concern I have is the seat belt guard is going to concentrate the force from the seat belt during an accident instead of distributing it across your abdomen. Hi Mike, that's a valid concern. The cushioning of these products tends to be pretty soft, so the impact of a seatbelt would simply be absorbed into the foam and on your skin - they will NOT protect your stoma from the force of an impact and are designed more for everyday comfort. Stoma guards offer more protection from impact, but I don't believe anyone has studied their effectiveness in a crash. This would be an interesting study. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
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October 12, 2018 4:04 pm
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October 12, 2018 4:18 pm