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Embarrassing moments

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Joined: 4 years ago
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Sitting in a quiet church during mass, or a funeral.

a quiet waiting room at car dealership or office



I am always turning up the sound on radios or tvs to cover my noises..

any funny moments to share?

Chelly, LK and VeganOstomy reacted
Joined: 7 years ago
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My funny but also embarassing moment was actually sitting in Church on a Sunday morning. Our young Pastor was saying an opening prayer & my stoma very vocal stoma starts passing short blasts of air! Though muffled by my arm, the young boy in front of me turned around & pointed not saying a word! He had to be just 3 1/2 based on my Grand-D's speaking ability about that age. "ROSE" my stomas name continued to bark through the whole church service & then rather short loud blasts during the final prayer. 

Out back in the foyer,  I was trying to leave hiding my now ballooned pouch, I crossed paths & was stopped in front of the young boy & his mother.   He points to me & loudly says...  see Mom! There she is! Thats the lady who was "faaawwt-ting in choouych!! I'm not sure who was redder in the face, Me or his Mom but it sure was'nt the child! Several others visiting in the foyer had turned at his raised voice. I looked at the boy & said quietly to him, "oh, that was'nt me, that was Rose".  Then I looked at his mother and as kindly as I could muster thru my embarassment I told her I have a rather vocal stoma, I even spelled it for her & gave it the name Rose to help accept it bcuz Rose really is a beautiful thing to have & then suggested she please feel free to learn about it & then I took my leave. Its been 15 years & though not nearly as bad or as loud as in the adjustment phases of Rose,  I still get embarassed over Her vocal behavior, yes, even when I'm alone with her, lol...ugh! 


Chelly, Tony H and GoatHerder reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 553

Haha, mine seems to only do it at very important times. Like sitting with the car salesman purchasing a car or at a job interview etc. I start coughing loud to hide it but then sometimes it cannot be hidden so I just tell the damn truth and say I have a stoma and that is my stoma making the noise. They usually dont ask what kind of stoma. If it continues I just laugh and apologize for the noise. 

LK reacted
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For me, stay away from eggs and avocado dishes before get togethers.

LK reacted