A start of something new.

So you’ve either landed on this page because you’re vegan, an ostomate or both.  

Regardless, I’ve created this blog because there was pretty much zero information on how to become/stay vegan with an ileostomy, and since I’m having one Aug 21st, 2013, I might as well publish my experiences in order to help others.

To make a long story short, I have severe Crohn’s colitis (diagnosed Oct 2008) and severe perianal disease (fistulas, abscess, the works) and because I haven’t responded well to both medication and alternative treatments, surgery is my last resort to help get some quality of life back. I’ve also been vegan since around 2000.

I’ll be fitted with a permanent ileostomy soon, and I have concerns over whether I could maintain a HEALTHY, vegan diet with the bag.  Searching the Internet for vegan ostomates proved to be very frustrating, since the people I’ve met were either sort-of vegetarian, had temporary ileostomy or had a colostomy (which is easier to manage in a high-bulk diet). Since fears of blockages and nutrition were of concern, I’m deciding to make it a project to log what I eat, how it affects me and how life in general is as a vegan with an ileostomy.

I look forward to meeting other vegan ostomates and sharing the experiences and challenges of living with an ostomy while enjoying a plant-based lifestyle.

If you’d like to send me an email, shoot one over to info@veganostomy.ca.
You can also visit me on Twitter
I’m also on Youtube, and may eventually post videos :)

Wishing everyone happiness and amazing health!


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