It’s been 14 months since my last blood test update on the site, and I thought I’d share my latest test with you guys.
Vitamin D
Environmental Risk Factors for IBD
In this post, I’d like to go over some environmental risk factors associated with IBD.
Blood test results Feb 2014 – making progress with an ostomy
I love blood tests, I really do. Maybe it’s because I love to keep track and benchmark “stuff”, like my health, computers and mobile devices.
Enhancing Nutrient Absorption – TIPS
When it comes to nutrition, that’s the golden rule. You hear a lot about how eating a healthy diet will improve your health, but that’s only IF you absorb the nutrients from your food. For most healthy people, this isn’t a big problem, but if you have a digestive disorder or if you’re eating a plant-based diet, there are things you can do to enhance the absorption of nutrients.