Anyone with an invisible illness can tell you that at some point they were told that they “don’t look sick”.
Ulcerative Colitis
Extraintestinal Manifestations in IBD
IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, yet a large percentage of us with IBD (estimated to be upwards of 40%) experience extraintestinal manifestations (symptoms outside our gut). These symptoms can sometimes be as hard to deal with as the abdominal symptoms of IBD; for some, they’re even worse.
#getyourbellyout – the campaign that changed IBD advocacy
We have so many amazing advocates in the IBD and ostomy community, but one team of advocates really stands out with a campaign they’ve been able to turn into an international sensation, and that’s the #GetYourBellyOut movement.
Started in March 2014, the #getyourbellyout team is made up of four incredibly hard-working ladies: Victoria Marie (twitter @colitisandme), Gem Gem (twitter @wales28), Sahara (twitter @Sahara88uk) and Lorna (twitter @lornamary_1981).
Environmental Risk Factors for IBD
In this post, I’d like to go over some environmental risk factors associated with IBD.