How I Use Evernote to Manage My IBD


Managing a chronic illness can be daunting. Keeping track of medication, medical history, a symptom diary, a food log, prescription receipts or important articles can get out of control pretty fast, so if you were to ask me for a single solution to keep this chaos in order, I’d tell you it’s Evernote. I don’t want the following post to sound like an ad; I just want to share with you how I’ve used this software to manage my Crohn’s Disease and my ostomy. I really, REALLY love Evernote!

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My Ostomy travel kit – Feb, 2014

Inspired by another fellow blogger, I’ve decided to finally get a proper EDC (every day carry) bag for my ostomy supplies.  This new bag is replacing a MUCH LARGER tactical shoulder bag, which I may still use for hikes or whenever more supplies are needed.

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