Ostomy Diet: What to Eat in the First Six Weeks (w/ video)

Ostomy Diet: The first 6 weeks

I was fortunate to have received quite a bit of information about what foods to eat (and avoid) following my ileostomy surgery. The information was quite important because it was aimed to not only prevent dehydration but also to avoid potential blockages.

Because our stoma swells up after surgery, we can’t eat meals that would be hard to pass through that swollen stoma.

Knowing how to reduce the risk of blockages is important (saving you a trip from the ER!).

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Keeping Hydrated with an Ostomy (w/ video)

keeping hydrated with an ostomy

Dehydration sucks, and anyone without a colon has likely been told by their nurse or doctor that maintaining adequate hydration is crucial. While it can be a challenge to keep up with fluid intake, there are many ways to do it. In this article, I’d like to share some practical tips that I’ve used myself, along with tips that have worked for others.

This information is focused on ileostomates, but many of these strategies can be used to help prevent dehydration in other circumstances, including diarrhea caused by IBD or for other types of ostomies.

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