When I was tagged by my friend to be part of the IBD Advocacy Tag, I was like, “OH, HELL YEAH!!”.
IBD Symptoms
3 Things I Wish I Had Known About IBD
Not many people know what IBD is at the time of their diagnosis, and I had a lot of questions about Crohn’s Disease when I was first diagnosed, but there are some things that I wish I had known sooner.
The Life of a Ghost with Crohn’s Disease
When I was interviewed for the IBD Round Table, I made the comparison between having Crohn’s Disease and living as a ghost. It didn’t dawn on me just how accurate that description was until I began to think more about it.
I Was in Remission (and why that didn’t matter)
One lesson I’ve learned about IBD is that our symptoms can often be very misleading, and they sometimes don’t correlate with what’s actually going on in our gut. This can pose several problems as a patient and for the GI treating us.
The Stuff You Don’t Hear About IBD
Despite all the wonderfully positive stories you might see on the news or on blogs about IBD’ers who’ve overcome personal obstacles, it probably wasn’t always easy for them.
How I Use Evernote to Manage My IBD
Managing a chronic illness can be daunting. Keeping track of medication, medical history, a symptom diary, a food log, prescription receipts or important articles can get out of control pretty fast, so if you were to ask me for a single solution to keep this chaos in order, I’d tell you it’s Evernote. I don’t want the following post to sound like an ad; I just want to share with you how I’ve used this software to manage my Crohn’s Disease and my ostomy. I really, REALLY love Evernote!
Extraintestinal Manifestations in IBD
IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, yet a large percentage of us with IBD (estimated to be upwards of 40%) experience extraintestinal manifestations (symptoms outside our gut). These symptoms can sometimes be as hard to deal with as the abdominal symptoms of IBD; for some, they’re even worse.