Preparing for travel can be stressful and hectic as it is, but when you’ve got an ostomy there are a few extra things that you’ll want to be aware of.
Have Fun at an Amusement Park With an Ostomy (w/ Video)
My daughter invited me (read: begged me) to go to Canada’s Wonderland with her because a friend wasn’t able to go. Let me say that I haven’t been to Wonderland in maybe…. 20 years, which means that I’ve never been on any of the large rides that she loves to go on.
The Summer Ostomate: Ostomy Tips
If you live in a country that has long, cold winters, warmer weather is probably something you look forward to experiencing for at least a few months during the summer.
While many of us may enjoy some fun in the sun, it brings along a few extra challenges that I’d like to cover in this article.
Blood Test Results: April 2015
It’s been 14 months since my last blood test update on the site, and I thought I’d share my latest test with you guys.
Keeping Hydrated with an Ostomy (w/ video)
Dehydration sucks, and anyone without a colon has likely been told by their nurse or doctor that maintaining adequate hydration is crucial. While it can be a challenge to keep up with fluid intake, there are many ways to do it. In this article, I’d like to share some practical tips that I’ve used myself, along with tips that have worked for others.
This information is focused on ileostomates, but many of these strategies can be used to help prevent dehydration in other circumstances, including diarrhea caused by IBD or for other types of ostomies.