Glad everything went well for you. Thanks for the kind words. Not lifting is a hard one, but will do like the Doc orders. @tigerlily Just checking in to ask if you ever had your procedure done. I just got out of the hospital after having an obstruction in my parastomal he... @veganostomy They work well, Coloplast one piece fits, but is snug. @veganostomy It's been like that it seems since I began using them 5 yrs ago
I've been using these/p>
but was wondering what others use I put a heating pad on top and hold firmly for 5 min or so after applying new appliance. I purchased one but had issues with it riding up due to my shape. It caused leaks by putting pressure on my attachment point. I have been satisfied by... Eric,
Totally agree, I hope the world will wake up and catch on to what these corporations are doing. Just got out of shower without bag and wafer only. Just patted wafer dry and put bag back on. Not as cool as totally "free" but I would recommend. Yes the ultimate shower is on bag change day ! Best day every time. I usually do not do anything. If slightly irritated I will use some stoma powder. If really irritated will use Calamine (sp?) lotion, let it dry, appl... Tim, as a urostomate I never use anything but the wafer. I do add Silex flange extenders. I think a good fit is essential. 2 were noticeable within minuets of application of the bag, the other was a few hours later. I was suspicious of one of the felines who allow my prese... I resemble that idea and agree completely @veganostomy
Thought about tattooing Compass around stoma with N being reference for center of appliance....but not a tattoo person. Always asked by... Thanks for all the input, I appreciate the support!
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RE: Anybody have the Sugarbaker technique for hernia repair?
2 years ago
RE: Anybody have the Sugarbaker technique for hernia repair?
2 years ago
RE: Disposal bags
2 years ago
RE: Disposal bags
2 years ago
RE: I cannot find an Ostomy nurse
3 years ago
RE: Stealth Belt
3 years ago
RE: VeganOstomy Has Left Facebook and Instagram (On Purpose)
3 years ago
RE: Showering with 2 piece without bag
4 years ago
RE: Showering with 2 piece without bag
4 years ago
RE: To Skin Prep, or Not to Skin Prep?
4 years ago
RE: Has anyone tried just using the wafer, and no ring or paste?
4 years ago
RE: holes in bag
4 years ago
RE: alignment tip
4 years ago
RE: alignment tip
4 years ago
RE: Question about injection port
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