Hi everyone, I realize that this may sound a little silly, but yesterday, for the first time since before my surgery, I was able to fit in a pair of jeans with a front zipper - albeit with stretch material. The other wonderful thing is that I am up to a size 8, which may sound like a small size, but before surgery, size 6 was hanging off of me. It's such a wonderful thing when you can when you can wear clothes that are a little more stylish - though I was never a fashion plate. My usual wardrobe was a pair of jeans and T-shirt or nice top. What were the little victories in your lives? I would love to learn more about you all. Stella Hi Stella, as they say in these parts "yer a whole goodin" :-) By big thing was climbing back into the cab of a digger. I only did half an hour but it felt so good to be doing normal things. well done you!! ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns This is SO true! For me it was getting back in the ocean for the first time after my surgery. WOW. ( Also getting a full night's sleep was right up there on the hit parade). Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017. Small Victories ?????????? I had a small bowel movement today-- Yup !! After 4 years too !! What's going on?? I want to be able to go and play like u guys too !! Now this? I am sure I am fine.. Feel fine.. Maybe this is the beginning of forward march for me.. and I can catch up with u all.  2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. Switching meds to cymbalta and feeling like me again Raine I am with you on the weight gain! I was down to 92 pounds at 5'6". I was pinning my under wear on. Could not fill up a bra for anything! Then yes, definitely a stretch of three hours "sleep" with out-leak- or emptying my bag. Sleep...nothing quite like it is there? Well, maybe a hug.  Linda I was thrilled to be able to go out and get groceries again! It's amazing how many of life's little pleasures you miss when your sick. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Stella, where do u get these jeans? sure r expensive-- $200.00? but worth a try if they fint.. Miss my skinny jeans!!!  Raine-- Go for it.. I am too.... sure makes me feel like I can keep all my ducks in a row at first. It was a hard go there for awhile.. For some? we just need a little help along the way.. At my age? staying on them.. GOt to keep my ducks in a row huh? Now for the count down huh ?? :-)  2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. Folks its great to hear the small things that meant so much, just think how many people will visit VO looking for help or wondering about the future. For them to see ostomates living normal lives and doing great things the examples of yer "small victories" could make a huge difference. :-) ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Hi all! Thanks for your feedback! I am grateful to hear about your "small" but important successes. Yes, everyday has one more little victory. Being able to lift my garage door, (don't worry, I am extremely careful!) lift a bag of groceries, comb my dog, do yard work and garden (on a small scale), etc. It's great to share in all our little victories, as John said.  I feel that I am part of a special family on this website. I find that when I see someone has a problem, they become part of my prayer list - just as I would with my own family and friends. BTW, Marcie, my great find was at a place we call the "Giving Closet" in our community. Basically, it's a room, located in the Town Hall where people can donate clothing, books, houseware items, etc. and it's all for free. I am not big into buying new clothing (with the exception of shoes and underwear!). I grew up on second hand clothes, so buying them or getting them free is no stretch for me. I usually get my finds at second hand shops that benefit charities. You'd be surprised what treasures you can find! Stella Stella, Yes I do the thrift shops. I also donated much clothing items worth much money that I cant wear any more.. And still at it.  So it is a slow go for a new clothing for me.. Going on 4 yrs. but getting there. IF I could find jeans to fit, I am 90% there.. Love jeans!! Miss my skinny tight jeans. So my next victory will be jeans locating of fitting. An got another one coming tomorrow.. :-)going on a boat ride down the Ct. river!! got my own floating devise if I get lots of gas huh?) :-) ----- Been wanting to do this for a few years. Train ride too !! choo choo !! VICTORY!! 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. My little (but big to me!) victory- being brave enough to try different pouching systems over the summer. I actually did enjoy the ride and finally made a decision last month and love it! UC at age 18, 1981. Diagnosed at 20, proctocolectomy with permanent ileostomy at age 23, 1986. My little (but big to me!) victory- being brave enough to try different pouching systems over the summer. I actually did enjoy the ride and finally made a decision last month and love it! That's great! There are so many products coming out each year that it almost seems like we should be trying new appliances at least once a year - however, I don't usually recommend that people experiment if their current system has been working for them. Of course, you'll never know if something better is out there unless you try :) Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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