Wondering what the experience has been with others as to having popcorn. I used to enjoy a nice bowl of buttered popcorn and during the holidays hubby and I love sharing a popcorn treat called "Moose Munch." Haven't tried popcorn yet though since my surgery last May. Advice? Flying free. Popcorn yep it’s a treat I have always enjoyed. Yes it’s definitely something to try just a little too see how it goes. Plus there are different types which seem to be easier digested. The type I go for is more of a round ball while others have a more rough shape which I avoid. I don’t know if it’s a different kind of corn or what and I hope what I have said has made some sense. ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns I know people always warn about popcorn and nuts, but I'm fine with both. Maybe I'm just lucky? The most trouble I've had was from oranges. They're definitely off my list. Lots of fluids and minimal amounts might be helpful? Keep us posted if you do try the moose mix! Also, share the recipe? ???? Wondering what the experience has been with others as to having popcorn. This has been my experience. I eat a LOT of popcorn, probably an abnormal amount even for someone with a fully intact digestive system. LOL 100% air popped (cheapest and easiest to make). Even if it's only me having it, I fill the machine to the max fill line (which makes a huge salad bowl full). I add my seasonings, which won't affect a stoma one way or another. I do chew as well as I can, but I'm not a perfectionist. The next day, it does pass without incident, but it is thicker and slower than my typical output. Smaller quantities would be much easier, but I rarely have a small amount of popcorn. ???? One thing to keep in mind is that the shell (hull) of the popcorn is what's going to be hard to digest, and you can find some popcorn varieties that are "hulless" and should be easier to pass. "Hulless popcorn" (not 100% hulless) will produce smaller shell bits. If you're just starting out, as with any new food: start slow and chew well! You'll be able to gauge how smoothly things pass, then you can decide if you can have more or less the next time.   Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. PoPcOrN! pOpCoRn, PoPcOrN! This is by far a favorite snack of mine. After my surgery I was given "the list" of foods to avoid. My heart sank when I saw PoPcOrN on the list. But... I obeyed the rules for years. Eating maybe one or two pieces when my kids popped it in the evening, spitting out the hulls in a napkin... Ugh! I missed it SO badly. I was not wanting to deal with blockages but I was getting them frequently no matter what rules I obeyed. I started eating pOpCoRn on a regular basis several years ago after a rather nasty "rule obeyed" blockage & I still eat it almost every night. I decided If I was going to have blockages I was darn well going to have them eating foods I enjoyed! Scrap the list! Interestingly, since that decision I've had only a few blockages. I started slow by popping a tablespoon of seeds & gradually I've upped it to between a 1/4 - 1/3 Cup of seeds depending on my desire for CRUNCH! I LOVE it popped in a pot best but I'll eat it anyway I can get it... if I'm not home. I find pot popped kernels in oil are crispier & break down into smaller pieces. I still spit out those pieces I can't break down with my teeth. I think you may find a few golden rules to live by come in handy when trying new foods & trying to avoid unpleasant situations. *Everything in Moderation. I learned from Eric to *Put my fork down between bites to chomp without to much distraction or haste. *Cut meats & even veggies against the grain & cut thinner pieces. My fav. is to make like a Train and *chew chew chew! Hehe! I believe we can still eat foods we loved & like we used to if not better before Ostomies & come out happier in the end just by making a couple changes in the way we prepare, cook, cut & chew our foods. Enjoy the popcorn just don't go wild!  Linda Totally agree with your comments about enjoying the foods we love - however I have been fortunate enough to not have had a blockage and hope I never do! I have kept eating popcorn `once in a while' but I do as you mentioned where I get all the taste and crunch and buttery salty taste and dispose of the husk parts into a paper towel. It's kinda gross but I still get 90% of the enjoyment of it while lowering my risk of blockage. Now if we could only invent a way to get those errant husks out of our teeth! Enjoy your holidays!
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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