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Osotomy packages left outside

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How bad is it if your supply shipment is left outside on the door step during the day.  Edge Park medical only uses fedex (which I'm not a fan of).  I told Edge Park to require a signature.  They said they would and they didn't.  Prior to thst I asked them to have it delivered to the FedEx location and I would pick it up, but they said they couldn't do it.  I won't get off work til late tonight and my concern is weather exposure.  I know it's not a huge deal in the winter but I definitely don't want to experience this in the summer time.  Anyone else have a similar issue?  If so were anybody your supplies compromised?  

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Fedex has drop off locations. You can arrange with edgepark to have it dropped off  at  a drop off location and this way you can just pick them up at your convenienc. Like some stores etc or pharmacies can be be drop off locations. You just meed to find out those ocations  near you. when you go in you just sign for it. 

If you ask fir a signature from FedEx at ypur door you may never get the supplies. You may not be there when they come or not hear them at the door say if your in the shower or going to the bathroom. You'd be basically have to sit by ypur window watching forr them. It happened to me and the third attempt they sent to a fed ex which was 30 miles from my home. 

Do the drop off location. 

If edgepark won't do that it's bs because you'd be signing for it at the pharmacy or wherever. My supplier actually called and found a location for me. 

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@chelly I tried.  Whoever I spoke to at Edge Park said they couldn't do it.  I really dislike fedex due to issues in the past unrelated to medical supplies.  So many companies use them and I think they're garbage, at least in my town.

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@bigmike322 There are many other supply houses for ostomy supplies. Grab your insurance card and call around for one more understanding.

Retired engineer, now goatherd
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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@bigmike322 wow that's horrible! Maybe you should switch suppliers. Talk to them soon ahead and ask about drop off before you switch. 

I use one source medical. Smaller but more like family after your with them for a while. 

BigMike322 reacted
Cat momma
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Could you get your supplies delivered to your workplace?

Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023

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@cat-momma No.  I work on a military base.

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hey Mike

  i get your worry,  living in thailand where we have seasons,    dry and hot,   rainy and hot and HOT hot, i leave a note on my gate if im not gonna be home asking them to deliver to my next door neighbor.     maybe thats an option for you,    if not,     look into sourcing elsewhere.    


   good luck 🤞🤞🤞

BigMike322 reacted