This is something that I have had for some time now but it's not what I call a curiosity (since I have not had any complications/issues related to it). It just seems that it mostly occurs in the AM and I can almost guarantee it happening if I do not eat anything for a couple of hours. Just curious if others have experienced the same and if there is any specific association with foods, or whether it's just a `normal' thing related to digestive system. Cheers and thanks! Hi, You have just hit on the reason. You get it when you haven’t eaten for a while. It’s just your empty system. Great to hear that you’re not having any problems👍 ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Yes, it's common for me when I haven't eaten in a while. It's most likely bile, which is green. It will often have a distinct smell that is not the smell of poop. This would be my best guess, assuming that you haven't eaten anything green the previous day 🤣 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Heh - yes I have seen a lot of bile in my day :) And I freely admit that I didn't go to bed after eating a salad as my nighttime snacking often includes healthy items like Twizzlers which I know result in a scarier output colour, red. So much for the New Year's diet! Ugh! Bile is gross but sure plays a role in our bodies. So long as you have no pain you could wait to check with your GP if your not sure & at least make him/her aware of this occurence. I've never see the green unkess I put too much M9 in my pouch, but I sure have seen the flourescent yellow, but then I drink a lot of Moo Juice too. . . Always good to check... now I need twizzlers.........! Lol Linda My out put always almost always starts put green in the morning unless I ate late. I usually try to be done eating by 8pm or so. This doesn't always happen like Saturday for example. I was at my son's wrestling tournament for 12 hours. We didn't get out til around 8pm so it was almost 9 when we ate dinner.  nighttime snacking often includes healthy items like Twizzlers which I know result in a scarier output colour, red. We recently got some fruit punch mix, and I couldn't believe how badly the dye they used was staining everything it touched (Red #40). It was extreme and completely unnecessary! Staining the lids of the insulated bottles we used, staining our countertops, staining any fabric from even the tiniest drop. Even getting some on my finger would leave a "tattoo" for hours! You should have seen the look of horror on my face when it passed through my body and into my ostomy bag. Even though I knew that my output was red from the drink, I was questioning myself because of how convincing it looked. I think we'll skip the fruit punch next time. 😆 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy While we are on this topic, along with the green output, have you ever experienced "the foam"? It has to be one of the most irritating things to happen when trying to complete a change, and one time I swear it was bubbling out randomly for like 15 minutes before I could complete the task! have you ever experienced "the foam"? Yup, pretty often, actually. I can often track it to specific foods, but it's not troublesome enough for me to change what I eat. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
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